Tripataka release their debut album

Jonathan Dimond said, “Tripataka is the playing field, the tester of protypes, and the practical vehicle that balances the theoretic research into the nexus between Western and intercultural composition and improvisation that I have been exploring since my earliest years of music-making.”

Listening to Emma Stephenson’s Hieronymus Trio w. Gian Slater – Where the Rest of the World Begins

Slater’s voice is a perfect choice for the Trio and Stephenson’s songs. Bell-clear, it is a fluid thing, like smoke or drifting water, avoiding any grating blues edges or forced earthiness. It is this instrumental quality a hallmark of all valid jazz singing that fits so neatly with the modern angles and curves of Stephenson’s compositions

Sonny Rehe invites you to the Uptown Jazz Cafe 9-year anniversary party

“The Uptown success story really is the success story of the Melbourne jazz and improvised music scene itself. The original motivation to open a jazz club, after moving back here from New York City, was because of the incredibly high level of playing that I knew Melbourne (and Australia) always had. Also, to try to catch that particular sound that is unique to us here, which I don’t think the New Yorkers quite get.”