When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
The 17th annual Australian Jazz Bell Awards acknowledged and applauded excellence of creativity, recording, performance and presentation of jazz in Australia.
“Sometimes I will sit down at the piano and just begin to sing, and the melody and lyrics will magically appear and the flow will keep going until the song is finished all in the one evening. Other times, I will hear a little riff that gets stuck in my head, and I will write something off the base of that, but won’t finish the song for months – or years ! “
“The show serves for a moment of escapism, where we get to dress up and play a person that would otherwise no longer exist. The interesting twist though, which makes me realise how far we’ve come since the 1940s, is that an all-female band would never have been dreamed of in that era.”