A chain of association began when I first encountered the album’s title, which was some months before I found a copy of this album.
A chain of association began when I first encountered the album’s title, which was some months before I found a copy of this album.
Michael Kieran Harvey’s apt and unparalleled tribute to Zappa: a cycle of 10 movements for piano (enfolded in the space of an hour) was unleashed on 4 keyboards over 4 floors in the atmospherically charged Bond Store section of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery at Hobart’s Mona Foma.
As the album’s title hints, Galumphing ‘Round The Nation is an outcome of Keller’s 2009 national Collaborations Project, where the touring Quartet in the various locations they played, invited a favourite musician to contribute each a 5th (often highly improvised) part to an existing base composition.