“Having two horn players allows me to think orchestrally but still enables me to play with the flexibility I so enjoy with the trio format…” – Mike Nock talks to us about his recent CD ‘Hear and Know’ and tells us what he’s listening to now…
Tag: Mike Nock

Mike Nock has released a new CD Hear and Know on his own FWM label. We spoke to him about the CD and his other […] Read More
Review by Phil Sandford: The quintet format has proved an enduring one in jazz and this excellent album shows that it still provides a powerful vehicle for creative compositions, solos and group interaction.

Nock’s story may not be quite one of rags to riches: few jazz stories end in riches, whatever garb they began in. But it is a boondocks-boy-made-good tale, an against-the-odds tale…

With Ben and James Waples Nock has found creative musicians who ably complement his playing in the more traditional trio setting and contribute on an equal basis in the free pieces.
“Even though it had been more than twenty years since we’d played together, we were able to click back into being Dave and Mike. That’s the way we’ve both lived our lives, and once you’ve made a connection like that, it doesn’t go away.”
This is an article from 2003. To see what Mike is up to right now, go to www.mikenock.com He may not have discovered the cure […] Read More