When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
“I had no desire to have a band under my name,that has only emerged with the CD, with permission from the other members. I firmly believe in the collective spirit and contribution of all in which music can be performed and I think that in this instance that is a good part of resultant album.”
Red Onions Jazz Band, Brighton, Melbourne 1966 – Allan Browne, Bill Howard, Brett Iggulden, Bill Morris, Rowan Smith, John Scurry