When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
When the decision was made to move to an all-online mode of delivery, the Festival reached out tokey organisations across the nation. What came back was unreserved enthusiasm, generosityand drive to make things happen.
Two interviews with Marc Hannaford who is currently touring Australia with his New York Trio. In the first one, the brilliant pianist talks about his life in New York, and his current musical pursuit. In the second, he remembers his trio with Allan Browne and Sam Pankhust, documented in the album Monday Dates.
The line up includes Paul Grabowsky, Barney McAll, Bob Sedergreen, Andrea Keller, Julien Wilson, Sam Anning, Eugene Ball, Tamara Murphy, Phil Noy, Geoff Kluke, Maddison Carter and Margie Lou Dyer.
The idea was to foster a collaborative approach to the music making and invite the other musicians to contribute their compositions and favourite tunes as well, rather than me having complete control over the repertoire (as was the case in the Andrea Keller Quartet). By opening things up like this, there’s diversity to the music that otherwise wouldn’t exist to the same degree.
The shortlist for this year’s Australian Jazz “BELL” Awards has been officially announced. This year’s crop has been extraordinary, with many great albums submitted in the competition. The amount of talent in this list is overwhelming, and it is bound to make the work of the judges very hard
One of the aspects I have always enjoyed in Wilson’s music is his impressionistic side – even though a player who resonates with the deep history of the art form, he never baulks at going where the music takes him, whether an un-jazz place or not.
“These guys didn’t live to play music. They lived because they played music. Music literally kept them alive.”
jazz i write in public (with others) our tangled arcs threaded on grammar, are screeching chalks or a sea of question marks (conjuror, extempore 2012)
Live (Jazzhead) Paul Williamson Quartet Review by Samuel Cottell Trumpeter Paul Williamson has an incredible ability to create diverse musical landscapes with other performers. His previous album, […] Read More
“did you define love john coltrane when you wrote ‘one up, one down’ even years ago when your raw aggression first trauma’d my ears i […] Read More