Friday Video: Barney McAll Unit playing ‘Thirty Three’

The Barney McAll Unit – what a bunch of superstars these guys are now! The Barney McAll Unit perform ‘Thirty Three’ on the ABC TV series The Pulse. Barney McAll – piano (and an explanation of ‘spontaneous composition’ at about 5:20), Andrew Robson and Reuben Derrick – saxophones, Jeremy Borthwick – trombone, James Muller – guitar, Jonathan Zwartz – bass, Hamish Stuart – drums, Fabian Hevia – percussion.

A soundtrack to the series is also available on Jazzhead (and includes this track) – check it out here >

Author: Miriam

Miriam Zolin is a writer who enjoys jazz and improvised music. She was the founding editor of, and was also responsible for publishing the extempore journal, and books by John Clare, Geoff Page and Allan Browne.