Phil Treloar reviews Sarcophile in his Recollections Twelve | here and now of Hannaford, Pankhurst and McLean – ‘This music pays tribute to the jazz tradition but in no way competes with it. Nor does it emulate.’
Phil Treloar reviews Sarcophile in his Recollections Twelve | here and now of Hannaford, Pankhurst and McLean – ‘This music pays tribute to the jazz tradition but in no way competes with it. Nor does it emulate.’
That Galaxstare are capable of creating this huge, deep, wide, bottomless universe of music in a room on Cleveland Street using only bass clarinet, voice, accordion, bass and drums is astounding and humbling.
Joshua Kyle answers our Q&A as part of our regular feature with finalists in the National Jazz Awards at Wangaratta Jazz Festival
‘Andy Sugg is one of Australia’s most original, yet authentically evolved, post-Coltrane performers.’ – John McBeath, The Australian
French singer Cyrille Aimée answers our Q&A as part of our regular feature with finalists in the National Jazz Awards at Wangaratta Jazz Festival
Red Onions Jazz Band, Brighton, Melbourne 1966 – Allan Browne, Bill Howard, Brett Iggulden, Bill Morris, Rowan Smith, John Scurry
Red Onions Jazz Band, Brighton, Melbourne 1966 – Allan Browne, Bill Howard, Brett Iggulden, Bill Morris, Rowan Smith, John Scurry
Rosie worked uptown in a fine restaurant… On Thursday nights she sang for two hours at a small downtown jazz club. It was the highlight of her week…
From electro-popping whimsy such as ‘Rotovibe’ – a collage of scratch-mixed ideas – to the entirely acoustic pieces such as ‘Special When Lit’ – a beautifully measured sound-river featuring his current band of Matt Penman on bass and Jochen Rueckert on drums – Slave To The Machine Vols 1&2, has an over-arching cohesion that belies the fact this music was recorded over a 5-year period, from 2007 to 2012.