2012 Bell Awards winners

2012 Bell Award winners - Ian Whitehurst (for Andrea Keller Quartet), Kristin Berardi, Alex Boneham, Peter Knight, Allan Browne, Ros McMillan (for Brian Brown), Nick Haywood, Reuben Zylberszpic (WhichWay Music, for Luke Howard and Janos Bruneel), Eugene Ball (for Andrea Keller Quartet). Photo courtesy of Bell Awards.

The Jazz Bell Awards were announced and celebrated on Thursday 3 May 2012 at a gala event in Melbourne.

Awards were presented for a range of categories:

  • Best Australian Jazz Vocal Album – Kristin Berardi Meets the Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra (Kristin Berardi and the JMO)
  • Most Original Australian Jazz Album – Fish Boast of Fishing (Peter Knight)
  •  Best Australian Contemporary Jazz Album – 1234 (Nick Haywood Quartet)
  • Best Australian Traditional Jazz Album – Collected Works Volume II: Fifty Years of New Orleans Jazz (Allan Browne)
  • Best Australian Jazz Song of the Year – Spir (Luke Howard and Janos Bruneel)
  • Best Australian Jazz Ensemble – Andrea Keller Quartet
  • Young Australian Jazz Artist of the Year – Alex Boneham
  • 2012 Inductee to the Graham Bell Hall of Fame – Brian Brown

For more information see the official Bells website bellawards.org >

or see highlights from the awards on ABC Jazz >

Author: Miriam

Miriam Zolin is a writer who enjoys jazz and improvised music. She was the founding editor of AustralianJazz.net, and was also responsible for publishing the extempore journal, and books by John Clare, Geoff Page and Allan Browne.