Want to run AustralianJazz.net? Seeking expressions of interest

AustralianJazz.net is established as a go-to website for information about Australian jazz and improvised music and the people who make it. This month the site attracted nearly 7000 visitors, from all over Australia – and beyond. The visitor statistics have been increasing monthly and the site’s reach is expanding constantly. Recently the visitor numbers seem to have reached some kind of critical mass – the network is expanding on its own.

The site is doing just a small amount of what’s possible. Someone with the right energy, commitment to quality and knowledge could take the existing site to a whole new level.

The site’s founding editor, Miriam Zolin is stepping away from the site to pursue her own creative projects. She’s looking for someone else to take it to the next phase.


The search is on for someone who can manage the site and help it to continue its role:

  • providing a space for reviews, interviews and profiles
  • encouraging conversation, engagement and inclusive conversations about jazz and improvised music in Australia
  • as a repository for information about new releases
  • as a directory (the directory needs to be populated and managed but offers some premium services at a cost)
  • as site that’s on a trajectory to be self sustaining financially

Monthly site revenue

Currently the site earns up to $600 per month in advertising for flat rate banners. There is also a small (tiny) amount of income from Google Adwords

Monthly site costs

  • Currently we pay writers between $400 and $800 per month
  • Site hosting and domain name costs are just under $20 per month
  • We pay between $10 and $25 per month to boost Facebook posts

Effort required to maintain the site

Currently it takes one person 85 hours per month to run the site.

Skills required to maintain and grow the site

To maintain the site to its current level of quality, the following skills are required

  • Editorial
  • Admin
  • Writing
  • Knowledge of and giving a shit about the Australian jazz scene
  • Willingness and ability to engage on social media
  • Knowledge of WordPress
  • Basic SEO savvy
  • Vision

To grow the site and move it into the next phase of being [at least] self-sustaining financially the site needs someone with [or with access to]

  • Chutzpah
  • Demonstrated commitment to supporting the jazz and improvised music scene in Australia
  • Advanced WordPress and social media skills
  • Access to a range of skills – and preferably not all in one person

Also of note…

  • A podcast was commenced earlier this year but did not progress beyond the third episode. Artwork, iTunes channel etc have been set up, ready to go.
  • A directory has been set up but is not currently live. It has the potential to earn revenue with a premium account all set up and ready to promote.


Contact Miriam at editor@australianjazz.net if you’re interested in taking on AustralianJazz.net

Miriam is prepared to hand the site over free of charge to the right person.

The site provides a service. It could provide it even better in the right hands. Are those hands yours?

Author: Miriam

Miriam Zolin is a writer who enjoys jazz and improvised music. She was the founding editor of AustralianJazz.net, and was also responsible for publishing the extempore journal, and books by John Clare, Geoff Page and Allan Browne.