3 Questions for Sam Anning [VIDEO]

In these short interviews I ask musicians and composers, from various backgrounds, the same three simple questions about music.
  1. Why do you have music in your life?
  2. How do you make music?
  3. What excites you musically right now?

I will be presenting these once a week over the next few months with local, national and international musicians and composers.

In this episode I’m talking to Melbourne-based bassist Sam Anning.

Sam Anning has been a major player in Australian jazz, regularly performing with jazz greats such as the late Allan Browne, Barney McAll, Andrea Keller, Aaron Choulai, Paul Grabowsky, and Jamie Oehlers; Sam has also been fortunate to perform with Joe Lovano, Kenny Werner, Ari Hoenig, George Garzone, Gilad Hekselman, Greg Osby, and Charlie Haden, among many others.